فارسی عربي

Iran ‘Light Sight’ to be screened at Serbia, Canada festivals

Iranian animation ‘Light Sight’ is to be screened at two int’l festivals.

Iranian short animation ‘Light Sight’ is to be screened at two international festivals in Serbia and Canada.

Directed by Moslem Tabatabaei, the 3D animation has won awards in ten other international festivals before.

“The animation has one character and one setting,” the director of ‘Light Sight’ told the media. “The character tries to escape the room to get to the light he sees outside”.

The seven-minute animation is to be screened at International Student Film Festival NAOS in Serbia and Canada’s World International Film Festival.

The International Student Film Festival NAOS was founded with the idea to bring together the best student achievements by domestic and foreign filmmakers.

The event provides an opportunity for young filmmakers to present their work to film audience.

Canada's World International Film Festival is another festival which screens international films from around the world in Canada.

“With Canada's World you are more than just being part of the journey, you are the journey,” the website of the event writes.

